Yes, all kinds of events — from two people forming a relationship to a political candidate facing hostile opposition — can be analysed using numerology.

First up, the man in question: One Donald John Trump (b. June 14, 1946), a double 5 — from his birthday, June 14 (1+4=5), and from his astrological sign Gemini (5).
The number 5 expresses movement and change, the 14 being its most dramatic form. The 14 does not slowly chip away, it much prefers the-bull-in-the-china-shop approach to change. That’s pretty Trumpish! Trump is currently in a personal 9 year: 5 (14) + 5 (Gemini) + 8 (2024) = 18 = 1+8 = 9) in a global 8 year (2024). So, 5-5-9-8, which is simply change, conflict, completion and lessons on top of each other. That’s a bit messy: some aspects harmonise, such as the 5 and 9, while the 5s are in sharp contrast with the 8. Trump is keen for things to move and change; he wants to finish things and there’s considerable momentum to do that, but a lot of territory is being opened up for examination along the way, so to speak. Imagine, if you will, Trump driving a plough through a meadow that he wants to thoroughly dig up to fully reveal the inner workings of that field. It will require some patience. It can be both a slow, meticulous process at times, as well as fast-moving like a bolt of lightning. Makes for anything but a boring process! He’s always ruffled feathers; that’s likely to continue!
Especially since his birthday in June, he’s been attracting conflict though he has demonstrated remarkable capacity to come back from seeming “failures” — impeachments, allegations, indictments and legal cases, bad press — and, in the past, near-bankruptcies. “The number 14 warns of danger from accidents related to natural elements, i.e., fire, flood, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. This is not an absolute. It can also be symbolic or metaphoric.” Trump uses tempest and drama to effect change, well, to stir things up. The use of the phrase ‘The Storm is Coming’ in reference to his ‘next move’ is not coincidental. However, it is anything but smooth sailing. “There is risk involved in depending on the word of those who misrepresent a situation. It’s a mistake to rely on others.” He has said few were loyal to him during his presidency, hence the spate of dismissals and resignations. (From his name-in-every-day-use number ‘Donald Trump’ — it being a 12, 3 — he does need to be wary of duplicity and treachery. His name at birth (21, 3) is a bit more fortuitous and promises victory after a long struggle and the attainment of long-held goals!) The ‘luck’ of the 14 includes money dealings and speculative projects, but there’s always a danger of loss due to poor advice from others, or overconfidence. So he is, instead, advised to follow his inner voice, his gut feeling. It would appear he may not have always done that. That’s just a bit of pertinent background.
Now to the assassination attempt
Detail # 1
It occurred on July 13, 2024 at 6.11pm. The day was a 13, 4 day. A day of regeneration. The number 13 is not unlucky as is widely believed. Rather, the Chaldeans claimed that “those who understand how to use the number 13 would be given power and dominion.” The symbol of 13 is a skeleton, or death, with a scythe, reaping down people in a field of new-grown grass, where young faces and heads appear to be thrusting through the ground and emerging on all sides. It’s a number of upheaval so that new ground may be broken. It’s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purpose, will bring destruction upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected. However, adapting to change peacefully will bring out the strength of the 13, and reduce any negative potential. The number 13 is associated with genius, with explorers, breaking the orthodox and new discoveries.
Detail # 2
The time, 6.11pm comes to 8 (6+1+1=8). The number 8 represents the gaining of wisdom, learning through experience, establishing stability, being patience, taking responsibility, grounding in financial security, being cautious, accepting the role of restriction, maintaining self-discipline and self-control, being determined, being thorough and relentlessly pursuing balance.
Detail # 3
The world is an 8 year (2024 is 2+0+2+4=8. To read my thoughts on 2024 as a whole, go to The Year 2024.
Detail # 4
There is a magnetic attraction between the numbers 4 and 8; they seem to be irresistibly drawn together in all kinds of ways. The Chaldeans viewed the combination as anything but fortunate, suggesting that people with the numbers 4 and 8 in their charts — those born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st and/or whose birth name reduces to a single 4 or 8 — seem to attract other 4s and 8s into their lives and get to play out all manner of dramas and conflicts, even power plays, which if undertaken purposefully can yield positive results.
All up, three points of magnetic attraction: global year (8), a specific day (4), and a specific time right down to the minute (8). Things in threes are worth paying attention to.
I share this calculation because I want to show how numerology — any event all the way from a single human relationship to a politically significant event such as an assassination attempt — can help us discern and understand such events. This is what numerology excels in: revealing patterns. Numerology doesn’t determine so much as highlight or reflect. The rest is up to us.
And one more thing
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces from June 17 to November 4, 2024. (It’s just a tad spooky that the US presidential election is on November 5! Haha) I’m no expert in astrology, however, I can do some basic translating from astrology to numerology. I know it’s a time for review; I know it is deep (Pisces, which is a 7) and I know it has to be thorough (we are in an 8 year, and that requires determination to see things through, leaving no stone unturned). Given we are in the second half of the 8 year (see my previous bog), I know it will be relentless. We are barely a month in to the ramp up, and it’s already getting crazy. So, remember to not take this world completely seriously or at face value. Step back, forget all those pesky dichotomies: right-left, black-white, young-old, queer-straight and so forth; they will mess with you if only because they are anything but clear cut. For instance, conservative christian libertarians are finding common ground with voluntarists and anarchists; they would not have said hello not that long ago. Some of these so-called right-wingers, as the media simplistically call them, even sound like old school 70s-era socialists. They are listening to each other with respect and that’s always good thing. Living in a walled garden or a safe silo is lonely and tiring. And none of us will grow inside one of them. It’s exciting watching the boundaries melt. Remember, we are deep diving again, there are things to unearth, allow them to come up, don’t judge them. I know it’s hard work, but if you can see the bigger picture — no jumping to conclusions — you will be rewarded . . . in time.
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