

The days of the month
The reading for each day is general and if you simply want a snapshot, read no further. However, if you’re a little more adventurous and want to get more out of how to relate to a particular day, try combining the information in your Personal Sun sign and your Personal birth number. Here are some examples.
Say your birthday is April 18th (Aries) and today is September 22nd, you would find that Aries harmonises with the 22nd, although the birth number (18th) doesn’t. This means you are more likely to be aware of the challenges of the day and better-placed to make the most of them, but there may be some obstacles with which to contend. However, you will be able to take them in your stride and shouldn’t feel put off by them. Persevere. If your birth number also harmonised with the 22nd as well, then you would be even better-placed and chances are you'd have an obstacle-free day.
Another example, say your birthday is February 8th (Aquarius) and the day is June 14th. While the birth number harmonises with the day, thanks to Aquarius, it’s a mixed bag: Aquarius either harmonises with or sharply contrasts, depending on the mood of the moment; so there’s a tendency to be in harmony with the day when desired, and at odds at other times. Generally pretty good all round, but with a warning to not be surprised if your mood changes; if working with people be mindful to keep them informed of the changes — 14 is strong on the importance of communication.
Have a look at the summary table on this page. Use this link.
The 1st
keywords: creativity, protection, benevolence, original action, initiation, innovation
The day emphasises self-worth and dignity, favouring a desire to organise and control everything, to be ‘the boss’. There’s a marked dislike for criticism and restraint; viewpoints are quite definite, even resulting in stubborn retreat into pouting when thwarted! Ego is prominent, a self-belief that one’s opinions are superior, if not flawless as well as a susceptibility to sincere compliments — pride is a weak point today. People are less inclined to back down or give in on plans.
The 2nd
keywords: imagination, nurturing, sensitivity, friendship, dreams
A day of daydreaming with a tendency to fear the unknown or unfamiliar, and loss and separation. Lots of ideas and inventiveness, but not a lot of follow-through or action to achieve results. Intuition and psychic abilities are strongly favoured. A strong base is important, concern for well-being of others, though it'd be wise to guard against smothering and possessiveness. Not a day to gamble; funds are accumulated by cautious, safe, stable investment. People are likely more secretive and don’t disclose their next move.
The 3rd
keywords: idealism, higher learning, exploration, optimism, expansion
Action is based upon the foundation of a great ideal: truth and nothing but, so being watchful for lies, distortion, or dishonesty is emphasised. Goals may not always be met, but the search continues. Freedom of speech and movement is vital. There’s a capacity to entertain a myriad different ideas and ways of seeing the world. As the filter is somewhat lacking, there’s less a sense of responsibility such that some of the goals and ambitions are serious, others are silly and frivolous. Speech is blunt and candid to a fault. There are tests of physical strength, and taking a chance, hence a day to gamble!
The 4th
keywords: individualism, originality, inventiveness, tolerance, the unconventional, unexpected change, genius
There’s great difficulty in making sense of the day. People are likely to make their own rules, ones that are outside societal standards; and behaviour or conduct is unconventional. Marked individuality colours every thought and action, just try to force people to comply with some dictate! People live in the future, ignoring the everyday – yet those 'crazy' ideas are successful more often than not. Anything unusual or different or otherworldly is favoured — even incredible, unproven, theories. To be told a thing is impossible only intensifies and spurs the resolve to prove it true. There’s a bit of ‘do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do’ about today. People are less impressed by the material side of life, rather it’s the power of imagination that’s attractive.
The 5th
keywords: communication, movement, versatility, the intellect, written and oral expression
This is a day to spot mistakes and flaws in one’s thinking and plans. And to be flexible. There’s likely to be movement and travel, if not literally then mentally. And change: change of scene, change in relationships, residence, viewpoints, and so on. There’s a strong tendency to overanalyse people and situations. It’s difficult to submit to feelings and the intuition; the intellect is determined to find logical answers. Be wary when it comes to personal relationships; they don’t always respond well to logic. The day can be highly strung and intense. There’s a tendency to make quick decisions, often impulsive ones. All communication is favoured today: a good day to tell your closest friends and the world what’s on your mind.
The 6th
keywords: the feminine essence, compassion, wealth, love and romance
A day to settle disputes, arguments and anything unpleasant and achieve harmony and peace at work and in the home, and to also be surrounded by family and friends, perhaps entertaining in small groups. It’s a day to express idealism and affection in matters of the heart. The love of beauty of all kinds in every area of life, especially in nature, is pronounced. There’s a fondness for luxury and disdain for loudness and vulgarity, as well as an affinity with art and music. However, there’s also a tendency to make opinions known and to be stubborn about them. Don’t be surprised if there’s discussion and debate today. Also watch for a tendency toward the extremes of extravagance and stinginess; there’s seldom a neutral attitude toward finances.
The 7th
keywords: spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy, mystery, illusion and delusion, sometimes deception, healing and miracles, faith and dreams
Today sparks interest in the metaphysical and the unorthodox, explored through intuition and self-exploration (going within). There’s also interest in foreign people and lands, the sea and water in general. There’s a tendency to be anxious about the future — hence a bedrock of financial security will be important. However, there’s little interest in material possessions or accumulating great wealth. The arts, dance, singing, poetry, writing and acting are enhanced today. Ambitions are more likely to be quietly worked on and achieved and will have a more philosophical outlook. There’s sympathy for pain and suffering, but a strong leaning toward privacy.
The 8th
keywords: wisdom, learning through experience, stability, patience, responsibility, financial security, caution, restriction, self-discipline and self-control
The day has a generally quiet and somewhat reserved feel to it. It appears little progress is being made throughout the day, but slowly and surely a situation improves and things get done and there’s little that can stop you achieving your goals. That reticence masks an intense drive to reach the top. Anything requiring patience, care and intelligent deduction has the best chance of success today. And there’s plenty of drive, determination and inner strength to succeed. Provided you’re willing to wait for plans to bear fruit, and the waiting time is used wisely, success is assured. It’s not a time to procrastinate. Plans can be big and have important consequences. That determination can though, at times, be fanatical, even in the face of all opposition and can be demanding of others. Despite all the wisdom shown and maturity, self-control, and discipline, it would be wise to remember it doesn’t have to be all work and no play.
The 9th
keywords: assertive action, penetration, courage, and conflict, originality and initiative . . . and also the contradictory traits of vulnerability and naiveté
Today is marked by determination to get things done, to complete jobs and tasks by penetrating straight to the core of a situation instead of indulging in circumlocution and analysis. There’s a risk of snap decisions, later regretted. The first instinct is to give, to let go, and let tomorrow take care of itself. Although tempers can flare, they don’t last long and there’s plenty of ‘forgive and forget’. The first instinct is to trust and since the tendency is to be direct, the expectation is others will be as well. As dishonesty will catch you off guard nearly every time, learn to be more cautious. There’s little tolerance of slower thinkers and impatience with the mistakes of others and with errors of thinking. The familiar catch phrase ‘what you see is what you get’ perfectly describes the day. There’s less interest in planning complex strategies or to playing games to get results; it’s so much easier to be direct. Such straightforwardness and bravado is usually successful thanks to the element of surprise. While naiveté (and a lack of guile) attracts protection from some, others see such behaviour as foolish, until, however, doubt is erased by a dramatically rising courageous spirit. There’s an appearance of vanity, the true root of which is fear of rejection, because inwardly there’s a lack of confidence. Despite the self-assertiveness, continual reassurance is necessary.
The 10th
keywords: creativity, protection, benevolence, original action, initiation, innovation
A black and white day, no shades of grey. There are extremes of love/hate, respect/fear, creativity/destruction. There are opportunities to self-determine and to manifest creative concepts into reality, but that power must be used with wisdom, since the power for absolute creation contains the polarity power for absolute destruction. Self-discipline and great compassion must accompany the gift of the former to avoid the tragedy of the latter. It is important to guard against harbouring deep-seated feelings of frustration when a project fails or doesn't go exactly according to plan, as it may lead to behaving in a somewhat proud and arrogant manner to cover such unnecessary feelings of low self-worth or even inferiority. (Also read the 1st)
The 11th
keywords: imagination, nurturing, sensitivity, friendship, dreams
This is a day of hidden trials. It represents any two opposed situations, where a compatibility of interest is lacking, and interference from a third force must be conquered. Difficulties may also arise from the illusion of separation. It’s necessary to unite divided goals to avoid a sense of frustrated incompletion. That third force can be a person or an idea; and can be due to a refusal to see that force as an obstacle to harmony. The origin of the interfering force must be identified, and an attempt made to seek compromise. Two forces or two desires must stand apart but ultimately unite for happiness. Each must remain individual, even after being joined, for each has its own worth. (Also read the 2nd)
The 12th
keywords: idealism, higher learning, exploration, spiritual exploration, optimism, expansion
The danger of the day is that through a failure to remember past lessons, plans go awry. Sometimes severe, emotional and mental anguish creates amnesia and forgetfulness. Be alert today to every situation, beware of false flattery from those using it for their own ends; carefully analyse the motives of those offering advancement. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental anxiety caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. There's a secondary meaning: the ‘1’ is the teacher (whether a person or life itself); the ‘2’ is the kneeling student, learning from life. The 12 represents the educational process, the submission of the will required and the sacrifices necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom, on all levels. When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. Look within for the solution. Attention paid to the requirements of education will end suffering and bring success. (Also read the 3rd)
The 13th
keywords: individualism, originality, inventiveness, tolerance, the unconventional, unexpected change, genius
This is a day of renewal and regeneration, often through upheaval, so new ground may be broken. It’s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purpose, brings destruction upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected. Adapting to change peacefully allows for true rejuvenation, and reduces any negative potential, much as the farmer ploughs a field to create the conditions for new growth, rather than clear-fell the forest. Today is associated with genius, with explorers, breaking the orthodox and new discoveries. (Also read the 4th)
The 14th
keywords: communication, movement, versatility, the intellect, written and oral expression
Magnetic communication and media-related matters are emphasised today. There are periodic shifts in business and partnerships of all kinds and they're usually beneficial. Dealing with speculative matters brings luck; likewise, movement and travel associated with combinations of people and nations can be fortunate. Both gains and losses are sometimes temporary, due to the strong currents of change, which are ever-present. There’s a warning of danger from accidents related to the forces of nature — this is not an absolute, merely a warning to be cautious. There is risk involved in depending on the word of those who would misrepresent a situation. It would be wise to rely on personal intuition today. A good day for money dealings and speculation, but there’s always a danger of loss due to poor advice from others, or overconfidence. So be wary and follow the inner voice. (Also read the 5th)
The 15th
keywords: the feminine essence, compassion, magic, wealth, love and romance
A day of alchemy and magic, and enchantment; a time to express eloquent speech, and the gifts of music, art and drama. The day has a dramatic temperament, favouring personal magnetism, and curiously compelling charisma. It’s especially fortunate for obtaining money, gifts and favours from others for a purpose beyond the personal, so the appeal must be to the altruism in people. However, there are no roses without thorns, and 15 rules the darker side of magic, and while that can be creative, it’s not when it’s for selfish purpose. So share the creativity with others. (Also read the 6th)
The 16th
keywords: spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy, mystery, illusion and delusion, sometimes deception, healing and miracles, faith and dreams
Today requires us to be mindful of dangers of accidents and the defeat of one’s plans. To avoid the fatalistic tendency, endeavour to make all plans in advance, making certain that any possibility of failure is anticipated and circumvented by careful attention to detail. There’s also an obligation and responsibility to listen to the voice within, which will always warn of danger through dreams or the intuition in time to avoid it. Don't ignore the inner voice. (Also read the 7th)
The 17th
keywords: wisdom, learning through experience, stability, patience, responsibility, financial security, caution, restriction, self-discipline and self-control
This is a potentially trying day but with the promise of success at the end, despite the difficulties of the earlier part of the day — particularly so in the areas of personal relationships and career. While there's a determination to achieve one's goals, it would be wise to lay the groundwork well, cover as much as possible so as to 'rise victorious' from the workload. (Also read the 8th)
The 18th
keywords: assertive action, penetration, courage, and conflict, originality and initiative . . . and also the contradictory traits of vulnerability and naiveté
A day of battles, where materialism is striving to destroy the spiritual side of the life, affecting every level of society: quarrels within the family, wars, social upheaval, and revolution. It may indicate making money or achieving position through divisive tactics, through war or other conflict. It warns of treachery and deception from both 'friends' and enemies; also danger from the natural elements. The only way to dilute or diminish its effect is by unfailingly and repeatedly meeting deception and opposition from others with generosity, love, and forgiveness, by turning the other cheek, and returning good for evil, kindness for cruelty, honesty for dishonesty, honour for dishonour. In this way, the day may be used to illuminate and enlighten. (Also read the 9th)
The 19th
keywords: creativity, protection, benevolence, original action, initiation, innovation
This is one of the most fortunate and favourable days of the month, because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. It blesses with all of the power of the 10, without the possibility of abuse or destruction inherent in the 10. Today promises happiness and fulfilment – success in all ventures as well as in the personal life — and a smooth path along the way. (Also read the 1st)
The 20th
keywords: imagination, nurturing, sensitivity, friendship, dreams
At some time in the day, there is a powerful awakening, bringing a new purpose, new plans, new ambitions, perhaps even the call to action for some great cause or ideal. There may be occasional delays and obstacles to plans, but with patience and trust in one's innate power — which is the challenge of the 20 — a situation can be transformed. There are likely to be vivid precognitive dreams, plus the ability to manifest the happy ones and cancel the negative ones. This is not a material day, and fortunately there’s little care for it anyway, just enough to provide for the basics. (Also read the 2nd)
The 21st
keywords: idealism, higher learning, exploration, spiritual exploration, optimism, expansion
Today promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honours, awards, and general elevation in life and the career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. (Also read the 3rd)
The 22nd
keywords: individualism, originality, inventiveness, tolerance, the unconventional, unexpected change, genius
Be mindful of illusions and delusion, of mistakes in judgement, of placing faith in those who aren’t trustworthy. Exercise caution and watchfulness in both career and personal matters. Be more alert. Don’t sit back — realise your own power to change things. When personal responsibility is recognised, practised, and finally mastered, the day is yours, and no longer blinded by the folly of others, you will see plans achieved and dreams realised. (Also read the 4th)
The 23rd
keywords: communication, movement, versatility, the intellect, written and oral expression
The day promises success in personal and career endeavours, with help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It’s a most fortunate day and greatly blesses with abundant grace. (Also read the 5th)
The 24th
keywords: the feminine essence, compassion, wealth, love and romance
Today promises the help of those with power, indicating a close association with people of high position. Opportunities for financial success are boosted, as is the ability to achieve happiness in love. Gain comes through romance, the law or the arts, and the opportunity to tap into the capacity to attract what you want. The only warning is to be wary of self-indulgence and arrogance in love, financial, and career matters, that can come from things coming so effortlessly. Don’t allow such good fortune to cause selfishness or a careless attitude toward the non-material aspects of life. The temptation to overindulge must be curbed. (Also read the 6th)
The 25th
keywords: spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy, mystery, illusion and delusion, sometimes deception, healing and miracles, faith and dreams
Gaining wisdom, making the right decisions and dealing well with people will depend on carefully observing people and situations and by learning from experience, especially past ‘mistakes’. Strength is required and is also the reward that results from overcoming disappointments in the early part of the day and during the infancy of any project or plan. It also provides the opportunity to develop better judgement. (Also read the 7th)
The 26th
keywords: wisdom, learning through experience, stability, patience, responsibility, financial security, caution, restriction, self-discipline and self-control.
There is a tendency to make decisions based on compassion and unselfishness, to help others, but not always to do right by one's self. Contradictions abound. Be careful of dangers, disappointments and failure, especially regarding the ambitions, brought about through poor advice and unhappy associations. It's best to avoid partnerships and pursue the day alone, not heeding even the well-intentioned advice of others, but only following personal hunches and intuition although these should be carefully examined for flaws before acting on them. Be prudent with money, and, above all, do not be extravagant or invest in other people’s ideas. Invest in your own future, be generous with others, especially those in need, but also build a solid foundation for tomorrow. (Also read the 8th)
The 27th
keywords: assertive action, penetration, courage, and conflict, originality and initiative . . . and also the contradictory traits of vulnerability and naiveté.
The day has all the hallmarks of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment, and a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labours, the intellect and the imagination, that the creative faculties have sown good seeds that are certain to reap a rich harvest. Always carry out your own original ideas and plans today, and do not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. (Also read the 9th)
The 28th
keywords: creativity, protection, benevolence, original action, initiation, innovation
Puzzling and frustrating contradictions abound. The day begins with fine promise and great possibilities, with the capability of achieving impressive success — and that does frequently happen — only to see everything taken away unless plans are drawn up carefully. It indicates loss through misplaced trust in others, powerful opposition from ‘enemies’ and competitors, danger of serious losses in courts of law and the possibility of having to begin the project or plan or task over and over again. It would be wise to be prudent, cautious, and to ensure that all plans are well-laid out in advance and obstacles to progress examined. When this is done, the disharmony will be substantially diluted. The key is to look before you leap. (Also read the 1st)
The 29th
keywords: imagination, nurturing, sensitivity, friendship, dreams
Along with the 18th, this is the most challenging day of the month. It tests self-worth, through trials and tribulations, uncertainties, deceit from others, unreliable friends, unexpected dangers – and considerable grief and anxiety caused by romantic partners. There are grave warnings in every area of the personal life and career. Conscious effort must be made to dilute and eventually erase this burden. It can, to a great extent, be done by adopting the motto of grace under pressure: take that deep breath and persevere. Amid adversity, constantly cultivate optimism, which is embodied perfectly in the attitude of seeing ‘the glass half-full rather than half-empty’. (Also read the 2nd)
The 30th
keywords: idealism, higher learning, exploration, spiritual exploration, optimism, expansion
This is a day of retrospection and thoughtful deduction. The idea of putting all things material aside is attractive, and not because of need, but out of desire. Consequently, today is neither fortunate nor unfortunate, because it depends entirely upon personal desire. It can be an all-powerful day, but often there’s personal indifference. There’s a tendency to stand-alone today; it’s not a day to collaborate, rather it favours working and/or being on your own. Social functions and public gatherings are not favoured. It doesn’t mean there won’t be happiness or success, but fulfilment is more often found in retreating from the chaos of the world, so that one’s mental acuity may be used to develop something worthwhile . . . to write ideas that may change the world . . . or to protect and develop one’s personal talents, such as art or other gifts. (Also read the 3rd)
The 31st
keywords: individualism, originality, inventiveness, tolerance, the unconventional, unexpected change, genius
Similar to the 30th, only more so: the day is even more self-contained, self-sufficient, and spent in isolation. It is the perfect time to pursue intellectual study, contemplating visions of a better way of living or doing things or a better world. It is best to retreat from the ‘glittering prizes’ often offered in life in favour of quiet contemplation or the quiet of nature. Today is sometimes marked by strong opinions, even the double standard of advocating of societal change, whilst remaining fixed in personal habits. (Also read the 4th)
Personal Sun Sign
Your sun sign also influences how you react to each day. Sometimes it intensifies the experience; sometimes there’s sharp contrast, which can have you feeling quite at odds with the day such that your reaction to it may startle others and you as well; sometimes it harmonises with the day and you feel completely at home; and sometimes it opposes, which means you feel the day is all going wrong, but with a bit of practice you can make it work in your favour.
For the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th
Leo: intensifies
Aquarius: sometimes opposes, but with effort can be used to balance
Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra: harmonises
Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn: sharp contrast
For the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th
Cancer: intensifies
Capricorn: sometimes opposes, but, with effort, can be used to balance.
Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, Taurus: harmonises
Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo: sharp contrast
For the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th
Sagittarius: intensifies
Gemini: sometimes opposes but, with effort, can be used to balance
Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Libra: harmonises
Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer: sharp contrast
For the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st
Aquarius: intensifies
Leo: sometimes opposes, but, with effort, can be used to balance
Gemini, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius: harmonises
Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces: sharp contrast
For the 5th, 14th, 23rd
Gemini, Virgo: intensifies
Sagittarius, Pisces: sometimes opposes, but, with effort, can be used to balance
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius: either harmonises with or sharply contrasts, depending on the mood of the moment, as the ‘5’ is endlessly changeable and adaptable, with a tendency to be in harmony with the day when desired, and at odds at other times.
For the 6th, 15th, 24th
Aquarius, Taurus, Libra: intensifies
Scorpio, Aries: sometimes opposes, but, with effort, can be used to balance
Any other sign: sharp contrast
For the 7th, 16th, 25th
Pisces: intensifies
Virgo: sometimes opposes, but, with effort can be used to balance
Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus: harmonises
Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Leo: sharp contrast
For the 8th, 17th, 26th
Capricorn: intensifies
Cancer: sometimes opposes, but with effort, can be used to balance
Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus: harmonises
Aries, Libra, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius: sharp contrast
For the 9th, 18th, 27th
Aries: intensifies
Libra: opposes, but, with effort, can be used to balance
Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius: harmonises
Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces: sharp contrast
Your personal birth number
Your birth number also influences your day. Simply take the number of the day you were born; if it’s the 1st, you’re a 1, the 2nd is a 2 and so on up the 9th, which is a 9. From the 10th on, add the two numbers together to form a single number, e.g., if you were born on the 23rd of the month, you would add 2 and 3 together to make 5, which gives you a 5 single birth number. When you harmonise with particular days they are your best days to achieve the most that is on offer that day.
Number 1
Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th harmonise well with 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, but also with 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st.
Number 2
Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th harmonise well with 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th, but also with 7th, 16th, 25th.
Number 3
Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th harmonise well with 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, but also with 6th, 15th, 24th and with 9th, 18th, 27th
Number 4
Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st harmonise well with 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st, but also with 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th.
Number 5
Those born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd harmonise well with 5th, 14th, 23rd, but also with 8th, 17th, 26th.
Number 6
Those born on the 6th, 15th, 24th harmonise well with 6th, 15th, 24th, but also with 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th and also with 9th, 18th, 27th.
Number 7
Those born on the 7th, 16th, 25th harmonise well with 7th, 16th, 25th, but also with 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th.
Number 8
Those born on the 8th, 17th, 26th harmonise well with 8th, 17th, 26th, but also with 5th, 14th, 23rd.
Number 9
Those born on the 9th, 18th, 27th harmonise well with 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, but also with 6th, 15th, 24th.
NOTE Your name number also influences the day, but that’s another story for another time, perhaps in a reading.
AT A GLANCE: A table matching single name at birth and/number (personality) with the day of the month and Sun Sign and the relationship between your Sun Sign and your personality number and/or the day of the month.