Readings usually take about 90 minutes to two hours. There’s plenty of time to ask questions. While readings are best face-to-face, they can be done over the phone or via Zoom or FaceTime. You’ll also receive a PDF emailed to you of the key elements of the reading plus some extra information. Read on
Numerology suggests we move through life in 9-year cycles, with each year beginning on our birthdays. The first four are the in-breath years when we gather knowledge and gain awareness and experience. The fifth is a year of transition when we can make needed changes and prepare for the next four. Years 6 to 9 are the out-breath years, when we can act on the previous five and express what we've learned. Read on
The pinnacles represent four major cycles of life or road maps of experience by which we receive direction and the benefit of added clarity. They are the bigger picture patterns that sit enmeshed throughout your various personal years. They often usher in major shifts in focus and direction in life, careers, relationships and so forth. Read on
It's not so much a question of how will your day go, but rather what kinds of challenges and opportunities are you likely to face each day, depending on your astrological sign and birth number. Read on
When the 4 or the 8 is the Single Number of your day of birth — as in the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th, or 31st — your Higher Self, realising there are heavy karmic debts to be balanced — which have been delayed for too many lifetimes — chooses the 4 or the 8 to ensure these long overdue obligations are faced and finally worked through. Read on
Readings for the years since 2012. General overview. What to look out for and pay attention to. Finances. Food and herbs that are generally good. Colours to enhance the year. Who can benefit more. Read on
Every pilot files a flight plan
Think of life as a journey by air with your Soul as pilot
It’s a long and arduous trip to a place where the natives aren’t always friendly and supply depots are few and far between, so you plan carefully. You choose your landing field first, and the general conditions at touch-down. You note points along the way where rough weather is likely and jot down a reminder of the skills you possess to deal with them. You list the special manoeuvres you’ll do, each one moving you one step closer to promotion to Ace, the ultimate rank. Like every pilot, you file your flight plan before take-off.
Earlier flights along this corridor have taught you that amnesia is a common hazard. Soon after departure, you’ll probably forget your true identity and the purpose of your mission. You decide to take a copy of your flight plan with you, to refresh your memory and help you find your way. But where to put it so that you can find it even if your memory fogs? There are no pockets in your jumpsuit.
You decide to tuck it safely inside the only thing you’re allowed to take with you — your identity. Half of it fits inside your name, and the other half slides behind your date of birth. It’s a safe place where you won’t lose it.
Sure enough, the amnesia struck and you forgot just about everything you learned in all your earlier journeys. It’s only recently that you discovered the copy of your flight plan, right where you put it for safe keeping. Problem is, you can’t remember how to read it.
Think of numerology as a codebook. Like Enigma and the Rosetta Stone, the encryption it reveals is startlingly simple yet filled with complex, even profound information. As you decode your plan, your memory will be stirred and your course will become clear. Which means it's time to really fly.
Linda Goodman | Star Signs: The secret codes of the universe Pan Books 1987 Chapters 2, 5 (ISBN 0-330-30344-9)
Count Louis Hamon | Cheiro's Book of Numbers Arrow, 1978 (ISBN 0-09-948380-7)
Thomas Muldoon | Numerology: Your Key to Success G+O Publishing, 1998 (ISBN 1-876333-18-9)
Thomas Muldoon | Numerology: The Hidden Meaning Wedneil Publications (ISBN 949-585-122)
William Mykian | Numerology Made Easy Wilshire Book Co. 1979 (ISBN 0-87980-376-2)
Leeya Brooke Thompson | The Rediscovery of Chaldean Numerology The Tenacity Press, 1999 (Leeya Thompson has a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology and has been a student of numerology for around 40 years.)