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  • Stevie Bee

Nearly half-way through the 1-year: if you haven’t so far, it’s most likely time to be starting some

Updated: Jan 5

For a lot of us, right about now is the time to be getting our skates on — if we haven’t already. It’s time to stop procrastinating. I bet there’s a least one project — maybe more — that you’ve been thinking about that you know you should/must/want to start. Well, no time like the present. This year is the beginning of a new cycle for the world and July 1 is the mid-way point in that first year. So, the momentum is there for us to pursue our wordly ideas and to embrace new, even novel ways to make them happen. Of course, this is a general guide only. Our capacity to act does depend on which personal year we’re in and how far through we are. A couple of things to consider:

1. For those of us with a birthday in the first half of the year, our capacity to initiate new projects generally will be enhanced, especially if we are in a 1, 3, 5, 6 or 8 personal year, which means it is time to act. For those of us in a 2 or 7 year, it is a little different: the project is you, i.e., working on yourself. You still act, but not necessarily in a visible way in the world. If you’re in a 9 year, you’re completing ‘major works’ and the global 1 year will enhance your capacity to get on and complete them, perhaps in a way or ways you hadn’t thought of before. This year is all about novelty and new ways for doing things — and that includes completing tasks.

2. For those of us with a birthday after June 30, our capacity to initiate new projects generally will be less favoured, especially if we are in a 2, 7 or 9 year. For those in a 1, 3, 5, 6 or 8 personal year, it’s certainly time to get a wriggle on — which means this post is particularly aimed at you, particularly if you know what you’d like to do but have been dilly-dallying. Because time is flitting away, you might find yourself hitting the ground running; that a new project — or the way to tackle it — may just jump up and present itself to you and your job is to recognise it and get cracking.

3. For those in a 4 year, you’re on the rollercoaster, which can go any way and be as smooth as an undulating landscape or as up-and-down dramatic as the rollercoaster ride itself. With a global 1 year, you’re being asked to dream anew, to take time out to envisage new ways to contemplate what’s next. Suffice to say, take the time out, be still enough to listen to your inner voice. It is completely fine to daydream a vision ot two. Whether you choose to do anything about it depends on your birth and name numbers. And that’s another story, best revealed in a reading.

Much like the daily horoscope for each sun sign, this snapshot is very general and misses nuance. Each of us has a unique story to tell and share and such a general read is understandably broad. However, it will hopefully motivate you to . . . (fill in the blanks)

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