A short note as we get into the business end of the year. I usually only do two takes on each calendar year, one on January 1 and the other halfway through, July being the start of the ramp up in any year, when things speed up as we crawl or wander or walk or cruise or sail or race* towards the finish line on December 31.
I’ve not talked about this before, but each of us has a personal month number as well as a personal year number. To calculate it, we simply add the number for each month — January equals 1, February 2 and so on to December 12, which reduces to 3 — to our personal year. It’s useful if we want to get a snapshot of how we are going in any one month. We can also apply this to the global year. So, for the remaining months of the year, September is an 9, October is 1 (10 is 1+0=1), November 11, 2 (11 does not reduce further, it being a Master number) and December 3 (12 is 1+2=3). This extra calculation allows us an insight into the world for each month in the year. You could also compare this with your personal month and year for an even more detailed look at you and relation to the world. That could happen in a reading. But that’s not my purpose here.
So, for September, expect an intensification of the 8 energy, expect further focus on the big institutions — government, business, the legal system. Expect more revelations and the penetration to be deeper. For October, expect conflict, particularly in business, and expect a push to wrap up and/or tidy up loose ends. That month being mostly Libra (astrological number 6), where the general focus is on finance and security, it could be a case perhaps even of FONGO, a ‘fear of not getting out’ in time. For November, expect some new avenues of inquiry to emerge to shine more light on those big institutions; it’s likely to be dramatic and either creative or destructive — no shades of grey here! No hiding from this. And December will be something of a balancing act: do we force a situation or do we remain quiet and contain the drama? Either way, the goal is to seek equanimity despite the interference. In other words, it’s about keeping the show on the road while dodging innumerable potholes, roadwork and stormy weather.
Remember, everything is stacked on top of everything else in an 8 year. We are experiencing and learning on multiple levels. The word ‘hypernovelty’ is being bandied about cyberspace at the moment to describe these times. Seems apt to me: plenty of revelation across many spheres all at once.
I’m not expert by any means in astrology, but going by what I’ve read from astrologers, it’s a similar tale. Between now and the year’s end “Pluto is in Capricorn and that September to November is expected to be an extremely intense period for humanity, with major world events likely. Pluto is the planet of death, destruction, crisis, transformation, healing, revealing, secrets, the dark side of life and hidden money. Capricorn [which is also an 8 in numerology] rules big banks, big business, government and the legal system. This is a time of upheaval in the financial world. Pluto will be at a critical degree during this time. The last time Pluto was at a critical degree of Capricorn was during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. It is a time of transformation.” And, one more thing, Saturn, Capricorn’s planet is retrograde in Pisces until November. More reviewing, more thorough and diligent unearthing, more painstaking examination. All fits in well with the months ahead.
So, it might not be a bad idea to prep ourselves. Batten down the hatches, so to speak. Get our houses in order. Strap in.
*Your pace depends on your personal year. I wrote about that in my read for the year.