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America by the numbers

Stevie Bee

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

What is it about America? Why is the world obsessed with it? It dominates everything — news, politics, music, film, theatre. It takes up so much global space, though it barely represents four percent of the world’s people. Why is that? As part of my series on ‘by the numbers’, let’s take a peek at America aka the United States of America aka The United States aka USA aka US. Everything is big in America. Even the number of names it has. Who else has so many? Hehe


First, the birthday. (Unless someone comes up with a better birthday, I’ll use July 4th. There’s a party, after all.)

The United States of America (b. July 4, 1776)

Adding up the date, we get: 7+4+3 (1+7+7+6 = 21 (2+1) = 3) = 14

So 14, 4. The 14 is hidden from view, so, it is not obvious. Rather, it is a warning to be prepared for surprises when it surfaces. Nevertheless, the United States of America expresses its vision, which can change in unexpected ways, through magnetic communication. It tells the world. You can’t help but notice it. Its method of engagement in the world is dramatic. And yet it is hidden, so it rises on to the world stage often without warning. Which, by extension, means that to fulfil the 14, 4 combination, action comes without warning and when it does it is swift and strong. It may come completely out of the blue. Because it indicates risk-taking, which brings good fortune, entrepreneurship is favoured. There are dangers from accidents related to natural elements, i.e., fire, flood, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. While, it could argued a country could be more vulnerable to such phenomena, it is more a warning to be cautious and wary as it is more likely to be symbolic or metaphoric. America needs to be wary of those who might misrepresent a situation. America should be wary of bad advice. To compensate, it is wiser to rely on the intuition. (Interestingly, Donald Trump was born on June 14, a fortuitous alignment.)

Now to the various names.

United States of America 23, 5

The Royal Star of the Lion

This is a number of karmic reward. It bestows a promise of success in all endeavours, and guarantees help and protection from those ‘in high places’. It’s a most fortunate number, and greatly blesses the ‘United States of America’ with abundant grace. Other numbers — which could be taken to be countries — don’t have much of a chance to bring about serious trouble during difficult times. No number can challenge the Lion’s strength and win.

The United States 14, 5


See the section 14, 4 above

USA 10, 1

The Wheel of Fortune

The number 10 is symbolised by Isis and Osiris — a number of rise and fall, according to choice. ‘USA’ will be known for good or bad, depending on the action chosen. ‘USA’ is capable of arousing the extremes of love or hate, respect or fear. There is no middle ground between honour and dishonour. Every event is self-determined. The number 10 is the symbol of Love and Light, which creates all that can be imagined, and also contains the code: Image it — and it shall be. Ordain it — and it will materialise. The power for manifesting creative concepts into reality is inherent, but must be used with wisdom, since the power for absolute creation contains the polarity power for absolute destruction. Self-discipline and infinite compassion must accompany the gift of the former to avoid the tragedy of the latter. Discipline must precede Dominion. Unfortunately, there is the possibility the ‘USA’ may fail to realise its true potential, and consequently harbour deep-seated feelings of frustration, causing it to feel unfulfilled, and to occasionally behave in a somewhat proud and arrogant manner to cover such unnecessary feelings of inferiority. It need not feel that way, though. Again, it’s a choice.

US 9 (single number only, no karmic expression)

The ‘US’ represents aggressive action, penetration, courage, conflict, completion, originality and initiative . . . and also the contradictory traits of vulnerability and naiveté. If we call it ‘The US’, it becomes a 14, 5 (see above).

America 17, 8

The Star of the Magi

The number 17 is symbolised by the Chaldeans as the 8-pointed Star of Venus: the image of Love and Peace. It promises ‘America‘ will rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of its early life as a nation, with the ability to conquer any former failures and setbacks. The number 17 is the number of immortality. An extremely fortunate number, but with one warning: it reduces to the number 8, so it’s important to remember karmic lessons ultimately have to be learned. Therefore the obligation is to always act to achieve balance in all matters.

What else is 17? One could argue ‘Q’, the 17th letter of the alphabet, was chosen for a very specific reason — although ‘Q’ is represented by the number 1, which aligns with ‘USA’. There are patterns everywhere!

After all that, is the ‘USA’ special or exceptional? Maybe. ‘America’ even more likely. Certainly I can understand American exceptionalism from the numbers. Each of those numbers is very powerful. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Even nations, such as the USA, blessed with remarkably good karma, can fritter it away. Anyone, any entity — including nations — can burn through it. Which ultimately means it is wise to remember the essence of the nation’s foundation.

I’ll give you one potent example: ‘We The People’.

This translates to the number 26 — another overtly karmic number — which also reduces to the number 8, just as 17 does. The number 26 is Partnership, with the all-important lesson of always remembering to look after yourself as much as you are drawn to look after others. Balance is the name of the game. The 26 vibrates to a unique kind of power, based on compassion and unselfishness. The 26 is full of contradictions, though. There are dangers, disappointments and failure, especially regarding the ambitions, brought about through bad advice, association with others, and unhappy partnerships of all kinds. It is, therefore, wise to avoid partnerships and pursue the course alone, not heeding even the well-intentioned advice of others, but follow only the intuition, although that should be carefully examined for flaws before acting. ‘We The People’ favours nationalism over globalism. It is important to stabilise the financial system, to be prudent, and not behave in an extravagant manner nor invest in other people’s ideas. ‘We The People’ should invest in their own future, always being generous with others, especially those in need, but also never forgetting to build a solid foundation for its future — and on its own terms.

Is the USA special or exceptional? Certainly I can understand American exceptionalism from the numbers. Each of those numbers is very powerful. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Even nations, such as the USA, blessed with remarkably good karma, can fritter it away. Anyone, any entity — including nations — can burn through it. Which ultimately means it is wise to remember the essence of the nation’s foundation.

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